Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Money can buy Happiness?

Recently, I was reading a post of one of my friends on this topic, "Can money buy happiness?" The post was a usual combination of philosophical expressions and interspersed musings what this day young adults are so prone to ventilate. I myself also belong to this category, yet it struck me that this topic might not belong the usual lot of views.

It has been an age old saying that "money can't buy happiness", that is, simplistic humane happiness can not be sufficed by materialistic needs. Yet, it has come to some amount of speculation lately, owing to the increased materialistic needs of the world, that maybe money can buy happiness. It's a general habituation today that money can buy anything in this world, and therefore, clothes, food, shelter (covering all maslow's basic needs of hierarchy), money can even buy help in need. Sad, but sometimes it is the truth. Moreover, as the hierarchy of needs go, when one is fulfilled with its basic needs, it creates a easier and provocative lifestyle for that person to secure himself, love others, grow self esteem, and slowly come to self actualization. Therefore, it might be true that even if money can't buy happiness, yet it can help one achieving a better sense of satisfaction as an individual, and thus achieve happiness. 

So, coming, to what word satisfaction means in this context. Can you now say that the equation of money and happiness is a simple yes or no. Truth is human doesn't know what true happiness is and where is can come from. Happiness is a desire, it is a "satisfaction" of all his/her needs. Sometimes, these needs are obvious, for example for a poor guy, may be the basic needs can bring in happiness, yet for a rich person, who has all the luxuries in the world, may be simplistic feelings from the heart or human connection can be a deeply embedded need whose fulfillment can only give happiness. Sometimes, the needs are so deep and embedded that the person himself/herself might not know of the existence of that need. This is why sometimes we feel happy out of no reason. Some people find happiness out of his or her behavioral aspects, others maybe from actions, or sometimes both. But happiness can't be measured or selfishly achieved.

The other day, I found a friend saying, "I choose to be happy". This made me think that, can you choose to feel some feeling? It's true that we many a times creep in negativities within us, that is not needed. In those times, yes a saying like that can help someone to feel a sense of assertiveness and powerful, because it gives a person the feeling that they is not bound to small nuances of heart, but rather have a overall wisdom and satisfaction about everything they gets. Yet, as human nature is by itself a subject of errors, we can never only depend of happiness. I have personally believed that a person has shares of each feeling, be it happiness or sadness, or anger or fear, I believe that you cannot choose to have one feeling and neglect others. If you feel happy, smile or laugh, if you feel sad, cry, if you feel angry, stay angry and let your own understandings handle it. Much like "Inside out" is it? But the truth is you do not have to abstain from feeling anything. For example, its a common understandings, sometimes, that crying is a sense of weakness. But let me tell you it's not. So, never feel bound to any prejudices when it comes to true expression. And certainly money doesn't bind you to it either.

Life's too short. Make most of it. Love as much as possible, work hard and get lost sometimes. Laugh and also cry. Make your ends meet.

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