Saturday, January 07, 2017

Happy 2017 everyone!

Year after year comes, and a new year becomes old. A new year brings new expectations, hope for some and while it is rectifying previous mistakes for others. But most often, human nature isn't capable of rectification, and the year turns out to be same, unfulfilling. They become tedious of the thought of making resolutions and breaking it. Some become tired at the thought of jubilation just because it is the first day of the year. It's also true that nowadays people are prone to fake jubilations in the name of New Year. For one day, people go to Parkstreet, as if thats the site for Christmas and New Year, eat in the finest restaurants and booze like they don't need to live another day. That's what I have seen, New Year celebrations in Kolkata means to a lot of people.

To me, the first day of New Year is just another day of my life. Yet, it's some day to be proud thinking what I have achieved last year. It's some blissful day when everyone around you seems to be in a merry making song. It's one day when the sun shines brightly through the winter sky. It is some day when look forward to a new year to grow more.
A new year is a celebration by itself, because its the proof of life through ages. It's a symbolism of progress, and a fresh start to future. It's just another day of the year, but it's a day of realisation, which is a joy in itself. Even if you are in the worst position, still you welcome it, because its a symbolism of continuity - a symbolism of life. It is also a proof that time waits for none. With every year, you grow old, yet with every year look forward to new experiences.

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