Sitting in a rather lavishly organised office picnic of my dad, which is actually quite boring, I feel like penning down my thoughts.
As I write, I hear a loud music. Strangely inspite of the commonness of these cheap Hindi songs, it's easy hum to them because some how they are rather irritatingly catchy at times.
My dad's parties have always been extravagant. It's not like simplistic picnics where the main element is to create bonding and have fun - to create a family element among friends. Picnics as we know includes responsibilities to spend a day together away from all the comforts of home. It includes choosing a nice spot, cooking, enjoying and togetherness. But my dad's picnics emphasizes on the element fun more than anything. They include surplus food and enough enjoyment. There is no part where you have to cook your food, as they are already prearranged in unlimited quantities, including unlimited alcoholic beverages. This year they held the picnic in an amusement park, so every one attending the picnic were given free access to all the rides. Nice right? Anyway, this time it's pretty boring for me because even though I'm in an amusement park with free ride coupons, I can't find any kids I normally pair up with every year during picnic days. Earlier this day there were events for the kids, likes musical chair and go as you like. But that was for kids below 10.
I turn back to see a group of middle aged guys sitting around a round table and clapping to the beats of the music. Possibly drunk, I assume.