Saturday, November 26, 2016


I remember a story called "Growing up" by Joyce Carry, if you have read it. It speaks of a father returning back to his family from work. Robert Quick, in his 50's, realizes that growing up is a phase that not only his teenage daughters have to go through, but also himself.

Growing is not a phase of life, rather it is the whole life itself. When a baby is born, it learns to cry,  to smile, to know its surroundings, to walk, to eat and many things. When they become toddlers, we send them to school, so that we can teach them how to lead life, like coping various emotional, social, educational and philosophical variations of life. It's very wrong for nowadays parents to interpret schooling is only education. It is education yes, but about life.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Okay so today I was talking to a friend, and he was speaking about his dream. It was so weird and crazy, that I thought I should share. 
So, in the dream, apparently this guy went out with his girlfriend. They were driving, blissfully, laughing and having fun. Next thing he saw, they were sitting down in a restaurant, having noodles and chatting.

Mind turns, they get teleport-ed to the museum and they started playing badminton in the museum garden. And suddenly, the security guard comes in and says "You are trespassing. You will go to jail." Agitated, they beg for forgiveness. Security thinks for a while, and agrees to forgive only by taking their shoes away! Unfazed, they continue playing badminton with bare feet.😌

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Hello there.

I understand, you might not get the blog title, but, you see, I little do. So, in this page I aim to do so - I aim to explore the phrase "Transcendentally Sublime". As of now, what my dictionary says,
Transcendental = superior; extraordinary; supernatural; spiritual
Sublime = exalt; supreme; unparalleled; complete,
which I am sure, you could have find out easily on Google. But as I say, it is something of the mystery how the two words combine, and through the writings on these page I seek to do the same. This page may contain anything from observations to actions, philosophies to achievements, art, music, travel, jokes(all kinds of it) and food, of course.... but mainly my way interpreting it. In a way it is self realization, yes, yet I hope to keep you mesmerized.

Basically, its a blog made through the eyes of an observer.